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Born January 2, 1930, Erlangen, West Germany

Moved to California in 1953

Died in 2010, California, USA.

Published in

                         Best Oil Painting 1996, Rockpoint Publisher

                         Best Inspirational 1997

                         Who Is Who in The West 1997/1998


1998                Grand Prize, Art Calander Magazine

1998                Best Artist in Santa Cruz, GoodTimes Magazine

1998                Artis Spectra Competition

1967                Los Gatos Art Festival, Los Gatos, CA


1978                Apprentice in Glass, Milligan Studio, Santa Cruz, CA

1970                Apprentice in Pottery with Frank Howell, Los Gatos, CA

1968                San Jose City College - studied fine art and American Literature

1966                Cabrillo College, Aptos, CA - studied fine art and design

1948                Biarrtz, France - studied landscaped painting and modeling for art classes

1947-1951      Sorbonne, Paris, France: studied philosophy and fine artSolo Exhibitions

1994-1998      Seacloud Restaurant, Santa Cruz, CA

                         University of Phoenix, San Jose, CA

                         Theo's Restaurant, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Christ Lutheran Church, Tiberon, CA

                         In October, Erlangen, Germany

1993                University of California at Santa Cruz, Women's center

                         County Health Administration, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Stanford University, CA, Institute for Research on Woman and Gender

                         Christ Lutheran Church, San Leandro and Tiberon, CA

1992                Twenty Nine East Main Cafe, Los Gatos, CA

1991                University Of California at Santa Cruz, Stevenson College

                         Kunsthalle, Nuremberg, Germany

1990                Wildenstein Palais, Erlangen, Germany

1989                Rathaus - Kunst Museum, Erlangen, Germany

                         Gallery of Fine Art, Santa Cruz, CA

1985                Carmel Gallery of Fine Arts, Carmel, CA

1984                Seekers Gallery, Cambria, CA

1976                Pasadena Art Museum, Pasadena, CA

1975                Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA

1974                IBM headquarters, New York, NY

1973                Group 21, Los Gatos, CA

1972                Brandies University, New York, NY

1967                Lucien Labaudt Art Gallery, San Francisco, CA

                         Jungain Center, San Francisco, CA 

Group Exhibitions

1998                Malton Gallery, Cincinnati, OH

1998                Chaminade Conference Center, Santa Cruz, CA

1998                Kismet Gallery, San Jose, CA

1997                Kismet Gallery, San Jose, CA

1997                Waxlander Gallery, Santa Fe, New Mexico

1994                Montreal International Competition, Montreal, Canada

                         Accepted by Springside Art Festive, Philadelphia, PA

                         In September, Open Studios Art Tour, Santa Cruz, CA

1993                Museum of Modern Art, Miami, FL

                         Scene and Unseen, Portales, NM

                         Metropolitan Art Cafe, Los Altos, CA

                         Open Studios Art Tour, Santa Cruz, CA

                         State of the Art '93, New England Institute of Fine Art, Boston, MA

                         Sytex Corporation, San Jose, CA

                         Quantum Corporation, Milpitas, CA

                         Cadence Design Corporation, San Jose, CA

1992                Open Studios Art Tour, Santa Cruz, CA

                         3COM corporation, Santa Clara, CA

                         O Gallery, Westport, CT

                         Chaminade Executive Conference Center, Santa Cruz, CA

1991-1992      Art Exhibition Series I, University Phoenix, AZ

1991                Sperling Gallery, San Jose, CA

                         Lanning Gallery, Sedona, AZ

1987-1989      Open Studios Art Tour, Santa Cruz, CA


1993                Christ Lutheran Church, San Lorenzo, CA "In the Grace of God," a series of

                         Paintings installed over the alter of the church

1980-1985      Installed 500 sq. feet of art glass windows in private home, seaborg Place, Santa

                         Cruz, CA

1978                Installed three 7'x 3'art glass windows in Private home, Thurber Street, Santa

                         Cruz, CA

1967                Redesigned private home to be a showcase for art, San Jose, CA

1967                Watercolor illustration for a series of children's books, San Diego, CA

1950                Set Design (Women by Claire Book), Hamburg, West Germany


Teaching & Art Related Employment

1992                Began work on the book Creativity

1990                Teacher, Creativity Workshop, Zurich, Swizerland

1989                Teacher, Creativity Workshop, Zurich, Swizerland

1988                Teacher, Creativity Workshop, Zurich, Swizerland

                         Teacher, Watercolors, Esalen Institute, Big Sur, CA

1972                Actress in San Jose City College production of Mother Courage

1968                Teacher, Art and Creativity, Milpitas Women's Jail



1993                22 original paintings featured in the film Die Watching



1990                Stadt Erlangen, "Mit Kinderbuchern kas Ruhm"

1987                Monterey Life, "Interiors"

1966                San Francisco Chronicle, "Abstract in Glass"

Selected Collections

                         Trix Baumgartner, Switzerland

                         Patrick studer, Switzerland

                         University of Phoenix, AZ

                         Charlene Atack, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Itzac Perlman, New York, NY

                         Stanislav and Christina Grof, Marin Co., CA

                         Jack Kornfield, Marin Co., CA

                         Ferdinand Surholt, West Germany

                         City of Erlangen, West Germany

                         First Congressional Church, Santa Cruz, CA

                         University of California at Santa Cruz, Stevenson College

                         Sandra Faber, Mendocino, CA

                         Walter Spalech, Germany

                         Wildenstein Palais, Germany

                         William McCann, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Debra Christoffers, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Larry Samuels, Santa Cruz, CA

                         John and Jennifer Newcomb, Blackburg, VA

                         Jennifer and Gene Johnson, Santa Cruz, CA



                         K-Bach, Monterey, CA

                         Hearts for the Arts, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Hospice, Santa Cruz, CA

                         Long Marine Lab, Davenport, CA

                         Channel 54 Television, San Jose, CA

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